Sink or Swim: An Interview with Rick Campbell

By - December 18, 2012

Today, I've invited my friend and fellow thriller author Rick Campbell over to chat about reading, writing, and his upcoming books.  Rick recently signed a two book deal with St. Martin's Press, the first book due out in Winter 2013/2014.  I sat for a chat with Rick about what makes him tick.
CM:  When did you start writing?
RC: About 5 years ago.  I had a story rolling around in my head for 20 years, but never tried to write it because I figured I had a snowball's chance in hell of getting published.  I'm a math/engineering type of guy with no training or experience writing and was convinced I didn't have a creative bone in my body nor the literary talent to write something people would want to read.  However, when I was at my 20th high school reunion, our class advisor - and older and wiser man - challenged everyone at the end of the night with one simple question:  "What would you do, if you weren't afraid?"  It was as if he were talking directly to me, and I resolved that instant to write that book.
Unfortunately, it sucked - not one agent in 40 queries asked for additional material, and I figured it was because I had either a bad query, bad plot, or bad writing, but not sure which.  (Turned out it was all three.)  But while writing Book 0, I discovered, to my surprise, that I really enjoyed writing - creating something out of nothing - and decided to give it one more try.  Following the adage - "Either write what you love or write what you know," I picked "what I know" for Book 1, which was submarines.
CM:  How long does it typically take you to finish the first draft of a manuscript?
RC: On average, about a year for the first draft, then another 2-3 months for revisions.
CM: What’s something readers would be surprised to know about you after they read one of your books?
RC: That I don't read in the genre I write.  I do, but not for pleasure; only to research the techniques successful authors in my genre employ.  My genre of preference is science fiction / fantasy, yet I'm currently writing thrillers.
CM: What’s the best book you’ve ever read and why?
RC: I don't have a favorite book, although I have a lot of favorite science fiction series.  Lord of the Rings, Dune,  Asimov's Foundation series, Eddings Belgariad series, Donaldson's first Thomas Covenant series.  There's one book that's not really a favorite but has stuck in my mind for some reason since I read it as a teenager - "On the Beach", by Nevil Shute.  I'm not sure how I came across it, but I can't seem to shake his gut-wrenching portrayal of denial, resignation, and despair as humankind's last survivors meet their fate.
CM: If your house caught fire, what are the four things (rather than people) you’d save? 
RC: The computer with the WIP and all our digital photos on it. Older photos around the house that can't be replaced.  I figure my arms will be full at that point.
CM:  What is your favorite time of day to write/why?
RC: Whenever I have free time.  Which pretty much amounts to after 8 pm on weekdays and most of the weekend, except for "date night" and my kids' weekend activities.
CM: What is your favorite word?
RC: Offer
CM: What is your least favorite word?
RC: Rejected
Rick's first book, The TRIDENT Deception, is expected to release in the winter of 2013/2014.  When Israel discovers that Iran is weeks away from completeing assembly of their first nuclear bomb, America's bunker-busting bombs are their only hope for destroying the weapon.  America wants only peaceful negotiations, but American ship USS Kentucky is equipped to launch the attack and has been infilitrated.  With only eight days until the ship reaches launch range and its crew ignoring orders to turn back, the President is left with only one choice: dispatch a submarine to find and sink the Kentucky before it's too late.   


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