Getting My Zzzz's

By - April 30, 2013

Little known fact (Side note: well, it may be known. I honestly can't remember if I've ever talked about this or not...): I have a sleep problem. And no, I'm not just talking about your run of the mill can't sleep good every once in a while issue. I'm talking hardcore insomnia that threw me into having chronic migraines for years kind of a thing. Anyway, long story short, I've been being treated for it now for about a year and no more headaches, etc. But this is what brings me to tonight's post...

Last week I had my every-few-months appointment with the doc that treats me for this, and I was telling him I didn't know what was going on, but that I had been having more trouble sleeping, even on with the medication he gives me, that week than I usually did. I told him, in fact, there are always a few nights a month when it becomes difficult, but then it seems to pass. So, I tell him this, and he says to me, "It's because it's nearing the full moon." So, I look at him, and I think...
So, basically what you're telling me is...I'm a werewolf?
I mean, I guess it does all make sense...the sleep patterns, the disturbing fear of touching metal, the superhuman strength. I guess this is finally the answer. It really is a shame, though, that I don't have the trait some folklore describes werewolves as having: being able to paralyze children with their gaze. Dang it, stupid folklore, gettin' my hopes up like that. Still, I suppose I could always just turn the children into other werewolves, so that's something, I guess...
Of course, of the mythical creatures, I wouldn't have chosen to be a werewolf. I'd have probably like to have picked something more attractive, such as a unicorn, or maybe a nice faun (Side note: I do like to baa.). But alas, I'm a werewolf, so there's no use worrying over it.
If you could be any mythical creature, what would you choose?


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