Agatha Christie's Masterpiece as a Play...then a Q&A!
By Colby Marshall - August 26, 2017
Calling all mystery fans! Macon Little Theatre's rendition of Agatha Christie's famous whodunnit, AND THEN THERE WERE NONE, plays again tomorrow for a 2:30 matinee...and yours truly will be in the house for a Q&A after the show--for those wondering the why's and how's of what we murderous mavens do! Read more »The Department of Driver's Circuses
By Colby Marshall - March 24, 2016
There's just nothing like a trip to the DMV. The lead up alone is enough to make you snap your twig. But why not make the most of your time sitting so close to strangers that you know the exact Taco Bell menu item they had for lunch by making everyone wonder why the phrase going postal took such root when no one has yet coined a term for the epidemic of involuntary committals caused by a place that is supposedly dedicated to public safety. Read more »Their Names Just Oversold 'Em Something Awful
By Colby Marshall - March 23, 2016
The Most Underwhelming Animals. Their Names First. Their Pictures Second. Expect the Unexpected. It Won't Be Pretty. Read more »Ten Ways to Spot Someone Who Needed Their Kid to Teach Them the Internet
By Colby Marshall - March 22, 2016
This post doubles as a public service announcement, both to raise awareness of common hazards, as well as to educate those at risk of these harmless, somewhat naive, often ignorant, but usually very annoying behaviors. This blog acknowledges that a subset of the digital immigrant population remains unaware that certain internet habits are hilariously foolish at best, ridiculous & harmful at worst, and we at this blog are dedicated to pointing out that fact as thoroughly & sarcastically as possible while maintaining a kind-spirited, all in good fun approach. After all, we all have a lot to learn in life, so we present this true-to-life list with the hope that you'll get a laugh or two out of it...and also the address for**** Read more »A Triumphant Return!
By Colby Marshall - February 2, 2016
I've returned, and I'm ready to make a go at regularly posting my deepest (Re: most frivolous), most meaningful (Re: Unintelligible) thoughts and experiences from my every day life in hope that they will enlighten & enrich you (Re: confuse & amuse you). And just to get back into the swing of things, I'd like to kick off the return old school style with The Top Ten Things I Did While I Was Away from Blogging So Long! Read more »