Showing posts tagged with publishing

TRADE THE DAY Special Guest: Literary Agent Kate McKean

By - August 21, 2013

In the remaining weekdays leading up to the big event, I will continue to feature two of TRADE THE DAY's scheduled special guests. Get to know this fantastic group of people right here, and come back on August 23 to join us for a day of 24 hours, 23 guest authors, and 1 goal...a cure. Today's featured guest is literary agent KATE MCKEAN! Read more »

Anger: An A to Z Challenge Shenanigan

By - April 1, 2013

I’m not a peaceful person. I’ll be the first to tell anyone, I can get angry, particularly when I have a good reason...I happen to believe there is a time and place for anger, and if you can learn to channel your anger, a lot of good can come from it. Read more »

Low E-book Pricing: Is Cheaper Cheapening Books?

By - August 4, 2012

Does the selling of e-books at cheap prices hurt the publishing industry overall? Are authors with six-figure deals the only ones affected? A few thoughts on self-published e-books, their price points, and why either matter. Read more »

The Blood and Guts of Publishing

By Colby Marshall - July 8, 2012

I'm so excited to announce today that the ink has dried on my contract, and my debut thriller, CHAIN OF COMMAND, is set to be published in 2013! Which brings me to the reason for this post today: the glamour of that beautiful day when the contract made it to my hands. Read more »