Showing posts tagged with first draft

Where Did I Put Those Oxygen Tanks Again?

By Colby Marshall - October 17, 2011

So, the first draft is finished. What now? *cue the theme from Jaws* Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your's time for...revision. It's a word that strikes fear into the hearts of writers everywhere. It can make even the most confident, veteran author break out into a cold sweat. But revise we must, because as every writer has learned the truth somewhere along the way: you can't write solid gold the first time. Read more »

Celebrate Good Time, Come On!

By Colby Marshall - October 7, 2011

**drumroll,please** Over 50 viewings of The Taking of Pelham 123, Twenty or more boxes of Ice Breakers Mints, 5 months, 98,000 words... Read more »