Showing posts tagged with plot

The Truth About Writing and Downtime

By Colby Marshall - September 3, 2012

The first round of CHAIN OF COMMAND's edits are finished! It's exciting, but after several weeks of nonstop work, I suddenly have a lot of time on my hands and am not sure what to do with it. So, here's a little blog for you guys about "downtime". I can't speak for all writers, but I can give you an inside look into what this author does during her off days. Read more »

Performance Anxiety for the Keyboard

By - May 31, 2012

You might read that phrase and think it's about one thing and one thing only, but the truth is, performance anxiety can exist in the writing world. For this thriller writer, it's that horrible fear that, as your reach the climax of your story, you won't be able to please the reader the way you hope to (Oh, baby!). Read more »

Where Did I Put Those Oxygen Tanks Again?

By Colby Marshall - October 17, 2011

So, the first draft is finished. What now? *cue the theme from Jaws* Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your's time for...revision. It's a word that strikes fear into the hearts of writers everywhere. It can make even the most confident, veteran author break out into a cold sweat. But revise we must, because as every writer has learned the truth somewhere along the way: you can't write solid gold the first time. Read more »

Thrillers, A History

By Colby Marshall - September 30, 2011

This writing about writing thing is a new adventure for me, so I've found myself a bit lost as to what to tackle first. The more I thought about where to go next, the more I decided to tell you a little bit about what sort of thrillers I'm attracted to most. Read more »