Showing posts tagged with mythology

Evening of Explosions and Intrigue: Jeff Edwards Blows Stuff Up For Fun

By - August 23, 2013

Winner of the Clive Cussler Grandmaster Award for Adventure Writing JEFF EDWARDS is talking about blowing things up for fun and giving away books. He's joined by Booklist Top Ten Youth Fantasy Novelist CINDY PON, who is also giving away autographed books in this final EVENING OF EXPLOSIONS AND INTRIGUE segment! Read more »

M is for Mythology: A Crash Course in Zeus-dom

By - April 15, 2013

I've always been interested in mythology. The stories are entertaining, and I am fascinated that the gods were such jerks (Side note: no, God, not you...the lower case gods). I mean, usually the gods and goddesses were jealous, angry, spiteful, and/or stupid. Take, for example, the story of Cronus, the father of the "supergod" Zeus... Read more »