Showing posts tagged with thriller writing

Evening of Explosions and Intrigue: Jeff Edwards Blows Stuff Up For Fun

By - August 23, 2013

Winner of the Clive Cussler Grandmaster Award for Adventure Writing JEFF EDWARDS is talking about blowing things up for fun and giving away books. He's joined by Booklist Top Ten Youth Fantasy Novelist CINDY PON, who is also giving away autographed books in this final EVENING OF EXPLOSIONS AND INTRIGUE segment! Read more »

My Wildest Dream

By - January 28, 2013

Most people assume that because I write thrillers, my fondest dreams involve scenarios where I’m a Lara Croft-esque badass chasing bad guys, a gun in each hand and a knife in each heel. While that is a super cool idea, it’s definitely not what I think about in the little spare time I have. Read more »