Showing posts tagged with reading

Book Addiction: An A to Z Challenge Shenanigan

By - April 2, 2013

The Top Ten Ways to Tell if You or Someone You Love Has a Book Addiction. Read more »

The Need for Nightlights

By Colby Marshall - November 29, 2012

Scaring children at a young age: psychological doom or quality advancement? Why even the people who think they aren't scaring kids are doing it, too. Read more »

Thrills and Chills: The Top Ten Scariest Books

By Colby Marshall - October 3, 2012

October is the perfect month for thrills and chills, so what better time to blog about the books and movies that have scared me the most over the years. Normally, I’d do a top ten, but…wait a minute. What am I talking about with this, “but”? Of course I’m doing a top ten list. Read more »